Some of the challenges we face right now are new. Some challenges are in part the unresolved dilemmas of old ways, combined with legacies of analog processes, patriarchy, and individualism.
Many of our new challenges are not going to be solved by authoritarian expertise, even though we might hope that if the right SME could only be found, our problems would be solved.
These are what we call adaptive challenges, they are gaps generated by bold aspirations amid challenging realities. As leaders and influencers, we need to build new ways of being and responding beyond our current repertoires of available know-how.
This workshop offers a leadership perspective emphasizing experimentation with new forms of communication, new relationships, and collaboration that helps develop solutions that surpass today’s current competence.
Intended Audience
Everyone who is interested in:
· Mobilizing people to tackle tough challenges and thrive
· Learning how to support progress through adaptive challenges
· Inspiring themselves and others to a higher standard
During this workshop, participants will have an opportunity to:
· Distinguish between adaptive and technical challenges and their respective leadership responses
· Explore the role of supportive conflict in adaptive contexts
· Analyze a current challenge through the adaptive leadership framework
Speaker Bio
D.J. Netz is a senior instructional designer for GP Strategies. For thirty years, D.J. has conducted needs analysis and consultation for mid-size and large organizations, crafting solutions that balance technology with scalability. Along the way, he has developed innovative and popular courses for critical thinking, leadership, and sales training in classroom and online environments.
He is a three-time Brandon Hall award winner and has served organizations such as General Electric, Gulfstream, Comcast, Sony PlayStation, Facebook, SAP, and Lockheed Martin. He teaches courses on corporate training at Portland State University, and he is the past president of the ATD-Cascadia Chapter. D.J. has a Master’s degree in adult education, and he has been certified in Six Sigma problem solving by the American Society for Quality.
Program Details
- This session will use Zoom at the virtual platform.
- Workshop begins promptly at 3 pm. Please be logged in and ready to begin.
- Technical support is not available during the event so please check your connections ahead of time.
- Instructions on how to connect to the event via Zoom will be sent by email the day before the workshop.
Registration Details
· Online registration is available until October 21st. Registration available at the door if space allows.
· Registration is available for our partner organizations.
· To receive a refund, a written request must be received in the Chapter office 7 days prior to the start of the program. No refunds or credits for future events given after that time. Substitutions allowed at any time (with price adjustment for nonmembers).
· Prices go up after online registration is closed and at the door.
· If you have multiple registrations, we can handle that for you in one transaction. Contact the ATD Cascadia office at 503-579-1552 or info@tdcascadia.org
· Have a full stamp card? To redeem your stamp card, please use the ATD Cascadia online Contact The Chapter email form to request an online registration code.
Alignment with ATD’s Capability ModelTM
Personal: Collaboration & Leadership, Lifelong Learning
Professional: Career & Leadership Development, Coaching
Organizational: Future Readiness
CPLP Recertification Credit
CPLPs earn one recertification point/credit for each physical hour of continuing education within one’s current role/job or involving a new experience or content. You will need to keep records of the event and prepare any required paperwork. Visit the CPLP webpage for complete information.
The Chapter estimates * 1.5 recertification hours for this workshop.
HRCI and SHRM Recertification Credit
This program may be eligible for self-certification for HRCI and SHRM recertification credits. You will need to keep records of the event and prepare any required paperwork.
Visit the HRCI recertification webpage or the SHRM recertification webpage for more information.